Another Stranger Me

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Category: microsoft

Exchange 2010: enable anti-spam features on a hub transport server

By default hub transport servers have anti-spam features disabled. In certain situations, for example in small organizations where you don’t plan to use edge transport servers, you would want to enable this functionality. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open up Exchange Management Shell
  2. Position to %system drive%/Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts folder and run the following commands:
  3. ./install-AntispamAgents.ps1
    Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

  4. As final step, to make all anti-spam features work correctly, Exchange needs to know about your SMTP servers so you need to run (šut your own IP addresses here, you can also write address ranges like
  5. Set-TransportConfig -InternalSMTPServers,

    Last step can also be done through Exchange Management Console. Anti-spam features should now be also visible in it. To further manage anti-spam features refer to Technet.

Announcement: IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco

IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco on Unix is designed to work with Alfresco Enterprise installations that are deployed on Unix-derived platforms which include popular Linux distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Novell SUSE, or CentOS. Management pack can be configured to monitor remote Alfresco deployments so this management pack can also be used to monitor Alfresco installations deployed on Microsoft Windows operating system.

Management pack is available for free to all interested customers for a limited time period. Beta version of this management pack expires on October 1st and it will stop functioning on that date. Please note that we left out some functionality that is not working at the moment or we otherwise found it not ready for the public distribution at the moment. To get all the management pack features you will need to monitor Alfresco Enterprise version due to Alfresco Community version limitations.

You can download the IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco on Unix by filling out the request form on the IT Sistemi website. Installation instructions are included with the download. Continue reading

Alfresco 3.3g integration with Active Directory and Google Docs

My last article on Alfresco integration with Active Directory brought up a lot of interest and what’s the most important positive feedback. That article is based on Alfresco Community version 3.2r2 so if you are using that version please continue reading that article.

This article will cover the latest community release 3.3g. On one hand I’m going to leave out most of the explanations that you can find in the original article and I’ll focus on getting things done in a focused article. You can also refer to the chapter 6 of the Professional Alfresco: Practical Solutions for Enterprise Content Management (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) [] book or to the chapter 4 of the Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation [] book.

Still, plan is to provide newcomers clear guides what has to be changed or to be more precise what is domain specific so I’ll make sure to insert “(domain specific property)” in code comments. Also, since version 3.3g supports document editing via Google Docs I’ll cover configuration of Google Docs integration as well. Again, I’ll repeat myself, for detailed explanation how stuff works refer to the original article as concept is the same. So let’s begin…
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Cutting infrastructure costs using Google Apps

Messaging infrastructure is the core component of almost all IT systems at various companies. E-mail communications are today so prevalent that often users and managers consider it as common sense that e-mail is always and everywhere available to them.

Due to legacy software or often incomplete or even, one could say, close-minded way of thinking about email many companies are stuck with inferior e-mail solutions be it open source or proprietary. Most importantly, those solutions in most cases cost a lot and they often have hidden costs that you take for granted but when you add them up you can come up to a number that can blow your head off. Continue reading

Afresco integration with Active Directory using Kerberos

After the first article about Alfresco’s integration with Active Directory has spurred a lot of interest I’ve decided to write a follow up article that shows how to use Kerberos for authentication. I’ll divide the article in three main parts:

  1. Description of Kerberos authentication process
  2. Setting up requirements for Kerberos implementation
  3. Alfresco configuration parameters for Kerberos

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