IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco on Unix is designed to work with Alfresco Enterprise installations that are deployed on Unix-derived platforms which include popular Linux distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Novell SUSE, or CentOS. Management pack can be configured to monitor remote Alfresco deployments so this management pack can also be used to monitor Alfresco installations deployed on Microsoft Windows operating system.

Management pack is available for free to all interested customers for a limited time period. Beta version of this management pack expires on October 1st and it will stop functioning on that date. Please note that we left out some functionality that is not working at the moment or we otherwise found it not ready for the public distribution at the moment. To get all the management pack features you will need to monitor Alfresco Enterprise version due to Alfresco Community version limitations.

You can download the IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco on Unix by filling out the request form on the IT Sistemi website. Installation instructions are included with the download.

IT Sistemi – SCOM Management Pack for Alfresco on Unix deployment instructions

Monitored server:

  1. Make sure that target server is properly managed by Microsoft SCOM.
  2. Deploy the files from “agent” folder to C:\scom\itsistemi\ on Windows or to /scom/itsistemi/ on Unix-based platforms.
  3. Make sure that account under which SCOM server management agent runs has access to above folders on their respective platforms and that it can execute alfresco-scom-monitoring.bat or on their respective platforms.
  4. Make sure that java is in the path on the target machine.

System Center Operations Manager server:

  1. Import and ITSistemi.Alfresco.Monitoring.Overrides.xml by using “Import Management Packs” wizard in SCOM administration section.
  2. Create two Run As accounts that can connect to Alfresco via JMX which will have monitorRole and controlRole. Account should use Basic Authentication and should have properly setup username and password. By default Alfresco installations use this usernames/passwords: monitorRole/change_asap and controlRole/change_asap. Distribute credentials to appropriate computers.
  3. Add created Run As accounts to their respective IT Sistemi Alfresco Run As profiles.

If everything is setup correctly Alfresco should be discovered and you should start to receive information into SCOM.


To monitor remote Alfresco servers (including those on Windows) from your Unix machine or if you are using custom JMX port other than 50500 change the following in /scom/itsistemi/

java -jar /scom/itsistemi/alfresco-scom-monitoring.jar “$@”


java -jar /scom/itsistemi/alfresco-scom-monitoring.jar “$@” –url service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://somehost:12345/alfresco/jmxrmi

Known issues

  1. At the moment there is no reliable way to get repository size so those counters are disabled in this version.
  2. Knowledge base articles are missing from this version.
  3. Alfresco discovery needs to be refactored.
  4. End-user authentication monitor did not make it to this version.