Another Stranger Me

my comments, my projects, my resources…

Month: May 2010

Amazon Web Services Presentation

Recently I held a presentation on Amazon Web Services. It was quite short and gave an overview of what Amazon AWS is and how it can help organizations.

PowerPoint presentation is available for download here: Amazon-Web-Services.pptx [318 KB]

I hope that someone finds it helpful.

Site updates: Twitter integration & cleanup

First of all, I owe an appology to some of my readers for not approving and responding to their comments. Unfortunately, e-mail notifications I receive were blocked by my spam filter. Hopefully, this won’t happen again.

I’ve done some cleanup on the site and updated my personal info. I’ve also decided to activate downloads section, so expect to see some new and interesting content there.

Finally, I’ve enabled twitter integration on the blog. If you want to follow me on twitter then please go to my page.

That’s it for the site updates, hopefully I’ll find time to post some new articles soon.

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